期刊名称:Cancer Biology MedicineCSCD核心(2019-2020)
- 主办单位:中国抗癌协会、天津医科大学肿瘤医院
- 国内刊号:CN 12-1431/R
- 国际刊号:ISSN 2095-3941
- 出刊周期:季刊
- 级别:CSCD核心(2019-2020)|重点期刊(2019)|科技核心(2019自然科学)|SCI期刊(2019)
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- 2022-08-04The first follow-up CT of the chest, abdomen
- 摘要:Case PresentationThe 51-year-old male patient was diagnosed with lower thoracic esophageal and received radical esophagectomycancer surgery
- 2022-03-17One week before transplant
- 摘要:Establishment of the PDOX models using peripheral blood or bone marrowAll animal procedures were approved by the Shanghai LIDE Institutional